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f Контуры глобальных трансформаций: политика, экономика, право: Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law | Ассоциация независимых экспертов «Центр изучения кризисного общества» (in English: Association for independent experts “Center for Crisis Society Studies”)
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 25420240
E-ISSN: 25879324
f Концепт: философия, религия, культура: Concept: Philosophy, Religion, Culture | MGIMO University Press
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 25418831
E-ISSN: 26190540
f Корпоративные финансы: Journal of Corporate Finance Research | National Research University Higher School of Economics
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
E-ISSN: 20730438
f Космические аппараты и технологии: Spacecrafts & Technologies | Association «Technology Platform «National Information Satellite System»
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 26187957
f Костюмология: Journal of Clothing Science | «Publishing company «World of science», LLC
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
E-ISSN: 25878026
f Креативная хирургия и онкология: Creative Surgery and Oncology | Bashkir State Medical University
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 20763093
E-ISSN: 23070501
f Крымское историческое обозрение: Crimean Historical Review | Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, State Budgetary Institution “Shigabutdin Marjani Institute of History"
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 2313612x
E-ISSN: 2712813x
f Кубанский научный медицинский вестник: Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin | Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation. “Kuban State Medical University”
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 16086228
E-ISSN: 25419544
f Културно-историческо наследство: Опазване, представяне, дигитализация: Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
E-ISSN: 23678038
f Культура України: Culture of Ukraine | Kharkiv State Academy of Culture
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 24105325
E-ISSN: 25221140
f Культура і мистецтво у сучасному світі: Culture and Art in the Modern World | Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 24101915
E-ISSN: 2616423x
f Культурно-историческая психология: Cultural-Historical Psychology | Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 18165435
E-ISSN: 22248935
f Культурологічна думка: The Culturology Ideas | The Institute of Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 23119489
f Кібербезпека: освіта, наука, техніка: Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique | Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
E-ISSN: 26634023
f Кібернетика та комп'ютерні технології: Cybernetics and Computer Technologies | V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 27074501
E-ISSN: 2707451x
f Кібернетика та обчислювальна техніка: Cybernetics and Computer Engineering | PH "Akademperiodika"
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 26632578
E-ISSN: 26632586
f Књижевна историја: Literary History | Institute for Literature and Art
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 03506428
E-ISSN: 2738151x
f Лëд и снег: Ice and Snow | Nauka
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 20766734
E-ISSN: 24123765
f Латиноамериканский исторический альманах: Latin-American Historical Almanac | Russian Academy of Science. Institute of World History
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 23058773
E-ISSN: 27130282
f Лесковачки зборник: Leskovački Zbornik | Narodni muzej Leskovac
Information Provider:
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
ISSN: 04591070
E-ISSN: 29559952
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